DEI Workshop with LaShanna Small
September 15 at 12:00-1:30 pm EST
Are you tired of attempting to DIY your DEI education?
So am I.
The books and podcasts are a great start, but I have been craving a live conversation with someone who lives in the wellness arena.
Because the problems we’re facing in the yoga, personal growth, and wellness industries are a special kind of hot mess. The spiritual bypassing, performative activism, and “love and lighting” everything away are both real and not okay.
I’m unavailable for this type of behavior and I’m guessing you are too.
This is why I’ve hired Shanna Small, a DEI expert and long time Ashtanga Yoga teacher to lead a workshop for my people. She is a woman of color in a predominantly white industry and knows what it’s like to be a student of spirituality AND also crave a more inclusive space for her work.
We’ve decided to open this workshop up to the public.
Because the wellness industry needs someone who speaks our language to step up and lead us to a better future. To me, Shanna is this leader.
Click here to join us live on September 15th from 12-1:30pm EST, or via replay.
In addition to the workshop, Shanna is providing us with a worksheet to support us integrating this material into our lives and businesses.
So whether you’re a yoga teacher, coach, personal trainer, reiki master, or any other wellness professional, don’t miss this training.
I stand for a better future in the wellness industry and I hope you’ll stand shoulder to shoulder with me.
About LaShanna Small:
Shanna Small is a writer and Yoga teacher who speaks to the intersectionality of Yoga and social justice. She has practiced Ashtanga Yoga and studied the Yoga Sutras since 2001. She has studied in Mysore with Sharath Jois. Shanna’s finds joy in making the Ashtanga practice accessible for all. She studied with Amber Karnes and Dianne Bondy and is Yoga For All certified. She is a regular contributor for Yoga International, OmStars and the Ashtanga Dispatch. For information on workshops, please e-mail shanna@
Follow Shanna @wellness_yogini