Create The Yoga Business You Have Always Wanted

Take Back The Dream:
Creating The Yoga Business You’ve Always Wanted.

An online course for wellness professionals and creatives

You became a yoga teacher/coach/healer because you LOVE your craft, NOT because you wanted to be a businessperson. That’s not what you signed up for.

Yet, here you are. A talented, passionate wellness professional who is also:

  • Frustrated with your financial situation
  • Paying your bills but feel like you’re never “ahead” of them
  • Wanting to save for your future but never seem to have any funds to put away
  • A good practitioner but struggling with the business and money side of your work
  • Unsure how to get new clients
  • Feeling obligated to build social media marketing, even if it doesn’t feel aligned with who you are
  • Struggling to maintain a steady, grounding routine for your practice and your life
  • So busy with day to day priorities that you can’t work on what you are REALLY passionate about

You’re not alone in this struggle.

Maybe your dream is to get rid of your side hustle (nannying, singing, or your corporate job) and go all in on your passion full time. You know it’s possible but can’t seem to connect the dots on your own.

You don’t have to do it alone anymore.

I’m here to tell you it’s possible to be an authentic yoga teacher AND smart business woman. It’s possible to be a brilliant coach/healer and have a business that runs like a well oiled machine. YOU CAN HAVE BOTH, joyfully, with ease, AND with the support you need to pick you up when you fall. Because we ALL fall sometimes.

You have that support when you’re on your yoga mat, right? What is possible for you if you get the support you need in your career?

I created Take Back The Dream for yoga teachers and wellness professionals just like you. Smart, ambitious, and feeling stifled by the industry imposed ceilings around what teachers are worth (the industry is broken, by the way, but I’ll save that rant for another day). Together, we take a deep dive into your gifts, learn how to own your value and monetize said gifts, marketing yourself intelligently (psst, your number of instagram followers is irrelevant), and claiming your status as an entrepreneur. Because you ARE one.

Here’s how Take Back The Dream: Creating the wellness business you’ve always wanted works:

Don’t miss this opportunity to get Sara’s eyes on your business, which will skyrocket your ability to transform your career (and life) in just 8 weeks.

In this 8 week program you receive:

  • One 60 minute video lesson each week highlighting struggles unique to yoga teachers, healers, and creatives and how to overcome them
  • Weekly homework assignments for implementing all strategy covered in each video
  • Lifetime access to video library of all topics covered
  • A private Facebook group for easy access to group support, accountability, and a motivating community. THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT PART. It’s crucial to be around others who support you on your path to success, pick you up when you fall, and show you that you’re not alone. Also, this is a no whining zone. You can always ask for help, resources, and encouragement. But expect to be called out if you start making excuses or playing the victim.

Getting the support you need to grow yields REAL results. But don’t take it from me:

Before we started, I was feeling unfulfilled by my personal practice and I was losing faith in my pursuits as a yoga teacher and mentor. What happened when I started working with Sara was an immediate shift. Immediately, my classes and students benefited, as I felt more grounded, confident and able to be most present with my students. I have felt more inspired in both my practice and teaching. Perhaps most important of all is that I’ve increased trust in myself. As I continue to push to new limits, either on my yoga mat or off the mat as an educator, mentor and business owner, I know that with Sara’s brilliant guidance when I run into obstacles along the way, will support me. I feel blessed to have the opportunity to study with Sara.
Nicole, 40

Sara’s dedication and discipline are supreme. I started Sara Intonato’s Take Back The Dream program last September and it has been one of the greatest investments in my career as a yoga teacher. It helped me to LIVE my passion.
Jessica, 30

Are you ready to finally own your value and create a profitable business you love?

Join Take Back The Dream! It includes 2 NEW modules, upgraded video content and a MAJOR bonus for those who pay in full!* 
*Those who pay in full receive full access to the 4 week yoga sutra study course, Off The Mat and Into The World (a $399 value). This isn’t a random throw away bonus, either. If you want to raise your prices, claim your status as an expert in your field, and run your business accordingly, you have to walk the walk. This bonus is a vital piece for those who are ready to uplevel their identity.


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