Friday December 4, 2020 11-3PM EST
Let’s just say it: 2020 has been a doozy, particularly for wellness professionals.
You’ve been bombarded with everything from the free yoga epidemic back in March, to lockdown 2.0, and tons of messy things in between (ahem, Presidential election).
I get it.
You no longer have to delay your success.
Have you already declared that you’re just waiting out the rest of 2020 while licking your wounds? If so, you’re not alone.
But, I can promise you that 2021 won’t just magically deliver you all the new clients, profits, and success you desire, especially if you go in without a plan.
The choice is yours. More of the blah feelings you’ve already got, OR excitement and confidence because you’ve got a real strategy and the support you need to run with it.
Going it alone is what got you where you are right now. If you want to change it, it’s time to do something different.
This is why I’ve created the Revive Mastermind Day for wellness professionals, healers, and creatives just like you.
On Friday, December 4th, immerse yourself with a small group of like minded people who are READY to do the work (I’m not here for sewing circles of complaining). The first part of the day will be spent becoming laser focused around what’s most important to catapult your business to a new, more steady level of success. The second half of the day will be hot seat style coaching to help you get there.
You will leave the mastermind day with the following results:
- Clarity around your most important next steps to move your business forward and how to take them.
- The permission and support you need to stop emulating everyone else you see online and instead forge your own profitable path to success.
- Renewed commitment, inspiration, and motivation. 2020 has drained most healers of their creative juice. What’s possible for you if you allow yourself to reclaim it now instead of dragging your feet until 2021?
- An accountability plan and accountability friends to ensure you take action.
Are you ready to finish 2020 with a huge dose of positive movement?
Click the link below to register.