No, not that kind of party! I am being a good yoga student in India 🙂

On May 23rd the Ashtanga Yoga community in Mysore is doing some Karma Yoga and throwing a fund raising bash for Operation Shanti, an organization which provides relief of all kinds to poverty stricken children and families in the city. This particular event is to gather funding for the children’s’ education, one of the most powerful tools to catapult them from the streets into healthier environments. All of the items for the auction, as well as the food and entertainment have been donated. All proceeds go directly to the kids.

Each ticket (only $10) aids one child directly. On the “our people” page on Operation Shanti’s site you can see the adorable faces of those who are receiving our assistance. I chose Sumitra (Chummi), whom I’m told is quite feisty 😉 I hope I get to meet her tomorrow night!

You can donate through the website, so please do if you are moved to contribute. Also, if you know someone coming to Mysore to study Yoga please send along children’s’ clothing (hand me downs are fine) or school supplies. Giving a child an outfit or magic marker will absolutely make their day.

The word “Yoga” means to yoke or unite. What better way than to give thanks to the community that so graciously welcomes us into its arms than to unite our hearts to theirs? Giving back in this small way is the least we can do when India gives us so much.