Join Yeasyoga and SaraYoga for a Yoga Teacher Training on October 16th and 17th from 9-3

As you may or may not know, I’m a yoga teacher with 18 years of experience. I’m also the mother of a beautiful child with Autism. 

Last year, I launched my consulting practice for Autism families. Since then, I’ve worked diligently over the last year to keep these worlds separate, carefully curating different social media channels and podcasts for each audience, so as not to confuse people or send them information they don’t want. 

It was going beautifully, until my worlds collided in the best possible way, 

Enter Vanessa Kahlon, founder of YEAS (Yoga Education for Autism Spectrum) Yoga and a trailblazer in family support, behavioral therapy, and founder of the KFS School for children with Autism in San Francisco. Recently listed as one of the top 30 entrepreneurs of 2021 by Entrepreneurs Herald, Vanessa founded YEAS Yoga for one reason only: if yoga can help the average person to live a better life, why can’t it also help people with Autism (including non verbal individuals), to do the same? Of course it can! You simply need to teach them differently. 

It is with immense excitement that I share that SaraYoga and YeasYoga are teaming up to host a 2 day Yoga Teacher Training on October 16th and 17th in Montauk! Both in person (limited space) and virtual options are available! 

During this training we teach parents, yoga teachers, educators, therapists, and other professionals working with children who have autism and other related disorders how to:

  • Deepen their understanding of Autism
  • Understand the key behavioral characteristics of Autism
  • Teach specific asana (poses) tailored to the specific needs of the child
  • How to enter the childs world and build rapport
  • Utilize materials to enhance learning
  • Walk away with age appropriate sequences that enhance learning and FUN!

This course benefits all individuals who wish to become more confident and effective in working with children with special needs.

Click the link below to register now!