Anybody Can Practice Yoga!
The beauty of yoga is that it can be tailored to the needs of the individual. Yoga is an ancient practice, developed in India over 2,000 years ago, that allows the practitioner to unite the body, mind, and spirit. The fact that it is still being practiced today is a testament to its effectiveness. Immediately, the practitioner will feel a state of relaxation and peacefulness. Long term benefits include, toning of the muscles and cleansing of the entire body, thus resulting in an optimal state of health, mental clarity, improved concentration, lower stress levels, and a heightened state of awareness.
Sara practices and teaches according to the ancient instruction of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras and its Eight Limbed Path. She is proud of the authenticity present in her teaching, and believes it to be the reason her students see such profound changes in their lives. Here is a general overview of Patanjali’s Eight Limbs:
- Yama – moral & ethical lifestyle
- Niyama – self study and living a pure life
- Asana – practice of postures
- Pranayama – breath control
- Pratyahara – control of the 5 senses
- Dharana – concentration
- Dhyana – meditation
- Samadhi – Complete divine awareness
Mysore Style Ashtanga Yoga
The Ashtanga Yoga method is built around the ‘Mysore Style’ class, so named because yoga was taught this way by Sri K. Pattabhi Jois, in Mysore, India, and continues to be taught this way in traditional Ashtanga Yoga schools around the world. In Mysore Class, the student is taught a sequence of postures through one-on-one instruction. The correct movements, breathing, and other aspects of the practice are learned gradually, in a step-by-step process accessible to anyone. This method allows each student time to practice and memorize what they have learned before adding more, encouraging commitment and accountability. Students are able to practice independently and at their own pace while surrounded by the energy and inspiration of other students in the room. The teacher is able to work with each student individually, which allows the practitioner to develop a deeply trusting relationship with their teacher. This unique setting allows beginners to move slowly and progress only when their body and mind are ready, as opposed to “keeping pace” with a large group. It also provides committed practitioners with a forum for learning advanced postures with the one-on-one guidance required to do them safely and accurately. It is appropriate for all levels of practitioners. There are no prerequisites, other than the willingness to practice.
- The best way to answer any questions about the Mysore practice and how it works is to come and observe a class for half an hour or so. Most questions are answered by observing the class, and then anything unanswered can be discussed with the teacher.
No Mysore classes on New and Full moon. Check the Moon Day schedule here.