

Yoga Sutra II.46 states “Sthirasukhamasanam”, meaning an asana must have dual qualities of alertness and relaxation to be considered an asana at all, let alone an effective one.This is a principle to be practiced in any tradition of Hatha Yoga. In order to...


Yesterday a student confided in me that she is having challenges with her teenage sons, which often leave her incensed. “That’s bad, right?” She asked. “I do yoga so I shouldn’t feel angry, right?”I knew what she was facing. For...

Adjustment Clinic

When: Saturday 11/8/08 12:30-6:30pmWhere: Balance Yoga and Healing Cost: $100 (includes workshop and hand outs)The ability to adjust others and to adjust yourself comes from a two-fold understanding. While knowledge and technique are important, so is the ability to...

Save the Date

It is with much joy (and a little intimidation) that I invite all of my beloved readers to a holiday chanting celebration. My chanting teacher has decided that myself and the rest of my chanting group are ready for our first concert. The theme of the show will be...

I’m Back!!!

My dear readers, I am so sorry to have neglected you. I’ve had a wild few weeks, but all was well worth it. The fall retreat in Jamesport was fantastic on all accounts. Probably my favorite retreat that I have led thus far. Stay tuned for the spring date!Now...