7 tips for training yourself to wake up early
As a yoga teacher, I spend a lot of time talking about my own daily yoga practice. It comes up in many conversation with my students and also in my weekly live streams. Inevitably, one question comes up whenever I tell anyone I do two hours of yoga each morning before...
You have to be ready for change
A vital concept on the path to spiritual growth, and the path to yoga, is “readiness”. You have to be ready for making changes in your life. If you study yoga philosophy, atha is the first word in the first sutra. Atha means ready, or now with the the...
How to survive (and enjoy) Led intermediate classes
Now that Ashtanga has become much more popular, it's common to find Led intermediate classes in many shalas. This is a huge blessing and there are so many wonderful teachers out there, but if you are anything like me before I took my first Led intermediate class,...
Finding Time for your Yoga
As a yoga teacher, I hear the same excuses whenever my students fall off the wagon… "I don't have the time. I'm spread too thin. I'm too busy." I'm here to show you that you do have the time. I'm here to help you find ways to make the time and embrace the changes in...
Use Yoga to Survive and THRIVE
Today I’m here to talk about how to use your yogic tools to, not just survive, but THRIVE this holiday season. As a yoga teacher I interact with tons of people all year round. One thing I’ve noticed is that, particularly around the holidays, so many people are...
Yoga and Self Care
Let me ask you this - what are you really doing to support your yoga practice? If you’re anything like me, you expect a lot from yoga. I know I expect it to help me physically - to heal my body. I expect it to help my mind, to keep my head on straight every day, to...
Standing in your own way?
Today we’re talking about how we sabotage ourselves, both in regular life and in our yoga practice. Everybody has this issue. You could have the best day at work you’ve had in your life and then come home and pick a stupid fight with your spouse. You might book...
The law of attraction, yoga and decluttering your life
Decluttering your life is an integral part of your yoga practice. It always has been for me, and the concept of saucha, or cleanliness/purity as set forth in the niyama (the second limb of yoga) is a really vital point. We can't have a clear mind or any sort of...
Living your truth
Satya is the concept of honesty or truthfulness in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. Satya is part of Yamas, the first of eight limbs of yoga which are moral and ethical practices that we use to govern our interactions with others. The Yoga Sutras are powerful tools for...
Let’s Just Say It – Is Your Yoga Practice Really Enough?
In today’s blog post, we’re going to be talking about something that a lot of yoga people, teachers, and practitioners may not want to admit: Is your yoga practice really enough? In today’s blog post, we’re going to be talking about something...